I've been meaning to write before now- the past month, really, but I've been busy getting my fire back! March was a much better month than February. I started going back to the gym with regularity, and getting my food back on track. The food bit isn't as spot on as it should be, but it's better than it was. I've even replaced going to work super early with going to the gym. I get my weights and a little 20 minute jaunt of cardio done in the morning. Then I go back in the evening after work and my for reals cardio in. It's a nice way to bookend my days, and if something comes up and I can't get to the gym after work, I don't feel so bad! I've been going hard for a little while now, probably too hard, but I wanted to make sure that I was ready for the next part of this chapter: the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k!
I walked my first 10k today! I've done a couple of 5k's overt the past year, but never a 10. The furthest I've ever walked is when my mom and I accidently took a 5 mile walk on the beach at Nag's Head last year. My bother talked me in to signing up for the race. I had had hopes of trying to run at least parts of it, but my training got way behind when I got off track back in February.
My dad signed up at the last minute and walked the whole thing with me. I think the worst part for me was the sun, I should have worn a visor or something. I also didn't hydrate enough pre-race, so I had a couple of moments where I was a little afraid I was going to get a little heat stroke-y or something. I caught a second wind at the half way point that carried me through to about mile five. The last mile was definitely the hardest! I was overheated, thirsty and tired. But once I saw that finish line I knew it was going to be ok! My official time was 1:59:25. I managed to come in just under my two hour goal!
I had to sit for a few minutes after the race to drink my water. I made the mistake of drinking a Powerade, too, so when I stood back up I had a couple of minutes where I thought I was going to vomit! My feet are definitely sore, but gimpy foot is taking it much better than I thought it would.
The best part was when I saw my best friend, Elizabeth waiting for me at the finish line. I was super touched that she hung around for an hour after she finished to congratulate me! I wish that I had shopped around a little, I want a 10k sticker to put on my car now! I know I didn't run it, but I did it and finished, and for a fat girl, I think that's pretty awesome!
P.S. And I wasn't the last one to finish, which was also super awesome!!