I've been so neglectful of my little blog here lately. Mostly I've just been busy... getting healthy! After I completed the 10k I still continued going to the gym. I have found that for whatever completely mental reason that going to the gym in the mornings works for me. Cause I'm not a morning person. I have to MAKE myself go to bed early enough to make sure I'm getting at least six hours of sleep. I love the morning ladies, and the morning staff (if you can call the one woman there in the morning staff ;)) I love love love starting my day off on the right foot. It makes it so much easier to make better choices during the day. I love knowing that whatever else happens that day, I made my work out.
The down side was that for a few months I did get caught in that trap of thinking, "I worked out today, so I can eat whatever I want". Couple that with some looooong days/weeks in the office, barely leaving my seat, and the 25 pounds I had lost came right back over to say hi. I like to tell people that I am a walking example that is doesn't matter how much you work out, it really is much more important what you put in your face.
Fast forward to July. I signed up for a four week boot camp at the gym. They gave us a food and exercise journal to track with during the boot camp. Since I didn't want to get out of my morning routine, or give up my sacred mornings, I decided to keep that part of my routine, and just come back for a second dose for the boot camp classes, which were in the evenings. We also had Saturday and Sunday classes. The gym isn't normally open on Sundays, so that was a special thing, just for us. I only ever missed the 15 minute Helix sessions, because they were always full, and the first Monday class (I signed up late, so that class was full by the time I made up my mind to sign up). So I exercised every day, and four times a week twice a day, for an entire month! I was definitely ready for a rest day, and that is not something I could do all the time, but I'm so glad I did it! It really helped jump start me back on program. I also discovered that even though I track on SparkPeople, that the act of physically writing down my food and exercise on paper, seems to really work for me. So even though boot camp is over, I'm still using the journal. It's got something like five months worth of weeks you can fill out. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's full! I'll have to find another one!
So where am I at today? I'm back on a steady losing streak. I'm 27 pounds down as of this past Monday. I'm pretty sure I've never lost this much weight before without backsliding. I'm knocking on the door of 30 pounds lost, which I'm waiting to hit to really get excited. I took a sneak peek on the scale Thursday, and if I don't totally blow it this weekend, then I should be there Monday! I've never been so excited for a Monday before!!
Monday also officially starts a Healthy Living Challenge that I signed up for on one of my SparkPeople boards.I'm really trying to participate. Not just in making sure I do whatever challenges they have for us, but really invest myself in my team and get involved with the other people participating. Maybe I can make some new friends by the end of this.
I'm not a success story yet. Yet. However, I have such a positive outlook, and I want to share it. It's amazing how much just taking care of myself has brought me back to my natural optimistic ways. I know people have to think I'm obnoxious. I can't help it. As cheesy as it seems, it's really in my nature to try and find the silver lining in everything. I'm pretty sure that's why my old team hated me so much at work, because I wouldn't get bogged down in the negativity and commiserate with how "terrible" everything way. Or because I'm a bitch. You know, one or the other.
But that's not why we're here, now, is it? I took a class this morning at the gym. The owner is the instructor ( I soooo want to be her when I grow up) and she calls it Cardio Party. It's just a good, back to basics floor aerobics class. No steps, no equipment, no gimmicks. Just moving your body and having a good time. I got 6,000 steps in that 45 minute class! Then she followed it up with a core class. There is so much joy in just using your body and working up a good sweat. And while I was by no means any kind of coordinated in class, about half way through I noticed that I felt so
light on my feet today! What a wonderful new experience! I need to remember that feeling Monday, when I work up the nerve to start a C25k program. It is time. I know it is. I just need to bite the bullet and get over the fear.
I suppose I have rambled on enough for one blog. I'm looking forward to getting back into it, now that I've gotten myself back into a more sane routine. I hope you have a wonderful day!