I've been kind of disorganized this week. What that really means, is for the past couple of days, I haven't packed a lunch. Or breakfasts. Or snacks. I keep some organic instant oatmeal at my desk, for times such as this. And yesterday I threw a can of Amy's Summer Corn Chowder soup into my purse for lunch. Today, however, I didn't do that. So I went to the grocery store down the street and raided the salad bar. And raid I did. I made a ten dollar salad. That's right. Ten. Dollar. Salad. Want to know what a ten dollar salad looks like?
It’s got lettuce, spinach, red cabbage, carrots, zucchini, celery, radish, chickpeas, feta, cucumber, three bean salad and red pepper vinaigrette. There may be one or two other things on there. I can't remember. It was awesome, though. I sat at one of the tables out in front of the store, enjoyed the beautiful weather and the beautiful salad. I still need to eat my gorgeous MacIntosh apple. (my fav!!)
Tracking this thing is going to be an epic nightmare. And I loved every bite.
I love to go there and got a big ole salad when I don't know what else to eat. YUM