Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nag's Head, the doctor and monthly gym weigh in

Hello there!

It's been awhile, and I've been a busy little bee!

Saturday, Mom and I went down to Nag's Head for our third annual Mother/Daughter Birthday Bash weekend. I know, I'm a total nerd, going on vacation with my mom instead of hubby. I love though, that I can have such an awesome friendship with my mom. I know I'm super lucky, not everyone can hang out with their mom like that.

The weather couldn't have been better. Of the three years, this was definitely the best. Low 80's, low humidity and all sun. The water was sooo cold, but we did get in a couple of times. So much sand down our swimsuits!! I got a little burnt, but nothing like last year's epic sunburn where I was incapacitated for a few days. My poor Scottish skin was just not made for the sun- even with SPF 50! We didn't even get in the pool there this year, we spend some much time on the beach.

Monday we went to the Bodie Island Lighthouse. We did the whole tour and everything. We went all the way up to the top! All 219 stairs up! I love stuff like that. I could have sat and listened to them talk about the lighthouse's history all day long.

After the lighthouse we went over to Pea Island, which has a bird sanctuary. Both times we've been, the beach has been basically deserted. Which is strange, but really neat all at the same time. It makes for great shell hunting! I found out some friends were down there at the same time, so we hung out for a little while on Pea Island and caught up.

We ate at our favorite restaurant, The Black Pelican, and found a new place to love, Miller's Waterfront. I had the most amazing medium rare tuna steak with a soy ginger glaze. *drool*. We went for one last stroll on the beach before we headed back home Tuesday.

This morning I had an OB appointment. Last year this appointment was a disaster. I hit my highest weight ever, and had a total breakdown in her office. So I was a little nervous going back in again today. This year's appointment went much better. She was very pleased with my 30 pound loss, and my blood pressure was so much lower than it was last year. She did notice a possible cyst in one of my breasts, and we both agreed that with my family history it wouldn't be a bad idea to go ahead and have a mammogram. I always figured that I would end up getting one earlier than most people, again, because of the history of breast cancer on my mom's side of the family. She told me not to worry, if she thought it was something to truly be concerned about, she would have sent me straight away to a breast specialist today. Hubby is not thrilled about this news, but he's a bit of a worry-wort anyway.

I also had my monthly weigh in at the gym today. I tried to do it last week BEFORE vacation, but my trainer got sick, so we had to do it this week. My weight was down from my last check in with her, but up a little from last Friday. My inches were down, but my favorite thing was that my body fat percentage was down by 4%! While I would like to see my weight drop more, I'm so excited to see good progress finally!

I'm totally enjoying my week off of work, and I'm glad I got to get some rest and relaxation in (don't worry, I'm still working out and being mindful of what's going in my face!). I hope you're having a wonderful day!


  1. Great photos! I am glad you had such a great time. The lighthouse looks awesome! I have a thing for lighthouses. :)

  2. I used to take a trip like this every year to a beach a little further south called Oak Island (NC)... loved it , miss it , now dying to go back after seeing your pics.Glad you had fun !
